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Wave after wave: evaluating metabolic control and proinflammatory metabolites across the different phases of the menstrual cycle
  1. Andrea Etrusco,
  2. Antonio Simone Laganà
  1. Unit of Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Paolo Giaccone” Hospital, Department of Health Promotion, Mother and Child Care, Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties (PROMISE), University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
  1. Correspondence to Prof. Antonio Simone Laganà; antoniosimone.lagana{at}

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Commentary on: MacGregor KA, Ho FK, Celis-Morales CA, et al. Association between menstrual cycle phase and metabolites in healthy, regularly menstruating women in UK Biobank, and effect modification by inflammatory markers and risk factors for metabolic disease. BMC Med. 2023;21:488.

Implications for practice and research

  • Fat mass, physical activity level and cardiorespiratory fitness were identified as factors that influence the relationship between the menstrual cycle and levels of glucose, triglycerides, the triglyceride-to-glucose index, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol and the total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio.

  • Future studies should investigate whether these relationships indicate a causal mechanism responsible for the variations in metabolic control throughout the menstrual cycle.


The rate of impaired metabolic regulation is rising among premenopausal women, characterised by decreased insulin sensitivity, increased fasting blood sugar levels and abnormal lipid profiles.1 …

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  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.