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Systematic review
Mindfulness training can reduce depression and anxiety among nurses
  1. Louise Hunter
  1. Department of Public Health, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Louise Hunter, Department of Public Health, Oxford Brookes University, Marston Road Campus, Jack Straws Lane, Oxford OX3 0FL, UK; lhunter{at}

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Commentary on:

Implications for practice and research

  • Mindfulness can help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety among nurses and may improve patient care.

  • There is a need for future quantitative studies to measure the nurse-perceived benefits of mindfulness identified in qualitative research.

  • Mixed-methods reviews can help develop a more complete and clinically relevant understanding of a given topic.


Work-related stress is now the most common occupational health problem among nurses after musculoskeletal disorders.1 Its impact on the workplace includes increased sickness and suboptimal levels of patient care, with practitioners adopting strategies such as task-orientation or reaching burnout, with its associated depersonalisation of patient relationships and negative attitude towards one's work.2 Mindfulness, an adaptation of a …

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  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.