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A home based, physical activity intervention increased physical activity, fitness, and vigour and reduced fatigue in sedentary women with early stage breast cancer

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Q Does a home based, physical activity (PA) intervention improve fitness and wellbeing in sedentary women with early stage breast cancer?


Embedded ImageDesign:

randomised controlled trial.

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Embedded ImageFollow up period:

12 weeks.

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Rhode Island, USA.

Embedded ImagePatients:

86 women who were ⩾18 years of age (mean age 53 y) and had been diagnosed with stage 0-II breast cancer in the previous 5 years; had completed surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation; were able to walk 1 mile without assistive devices; and were sedentary (exercised <1 time per wk for 20 min at vigorous intensity or <2 times per wk for 30 min at moderate intensity for the past 6 mo). Women with previous cancer (except non-melanoma skin cancer) or a medical or psychiatric illness that would make PA compliance difficult or dangerous were excluded.

Embedded ImageIntervention:

43 women were allocated to home based PA, which comprised in-person instruction on …

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  • * Information provided by author.

  • For correspondence: Dr B M Pinto, Miriam Hospital and Brown Medical School, Providence, RI, USA. bpinto{at}

  • Source of funding: National Cancer Institute.