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A multifactorial intervention reduced the mean number of falls but not the proportion who fell in older people with recurrent falls

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Q What is the effectiveness of a multifactorial intervention to prevent falls in older people with recurrent falls?


Embedded ImageDesign:

randomised controlled trial.

Embedded ImageAllocation:


Embedded ImageBlinding:

blinded (data collectors).

Embedded ImageFollow up period:

1 year.

Embedded ImageSetting:

accident and emergency departments (EDs) in a university teaching hospital and an affiliated district general hospital in the UK.

Embedded ImagePatients:

313 patients >65 years of age (mean age 77 y, 72% women) who presented to an ED with a fall or fall related injury and had ⩾1 previous fall in the preceding year. Exclusion criteria included cognitive impairment (Mini Mental …

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  • For correspondence: Dr R A Kenny, Falls and Syncope Service and Institute for Ageing and Health, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

  • Sources of funding: Wellcome Trust and Northern and Yorkshire NHS Executive.