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A COPD self management programme reduced hospital use and improved health status

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QUESTION: In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), does a COPD specific self management programme reduce hospital use and improve health status more than usual care?


Randomised (allocation concealed), blinded {data collectors and data analysts}*, controlled trial with 12 months of follow up.


7 hospitals in 3 cities in Quebec, Canada.


191 patients ≥50 years of age (mean age 70 y, 55% men) who had stable COPD (respiratory symptoms and medication unchanged for ≥4 wks); were current or previous smokers; had an FEV1 25–70% of predicted and an FEV1 forced vital capacity ratio <70%; no previous asthma, left congestive heart failure, terminal disease, dementia, or uncontrolled psychiatric illness; had not been in a respiratory rehabilitation programme in the …

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  • * Information provided by author.

  • Sources of funding: Boehringer Ingelheim Canada and Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec.

  • For correspondence: Dr J Bourbeau, Montreal Chest Institute of the Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. jean.bourbeau{at}

  • A modified version of this abstract appears in ACP Journal Club.