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Evidence-Based Nursing: 4 years down the road
  1. Alba Dicenso, RN, PhD,
  2. Nicky Cullum, RN, PhD,
  3. Donna Ciliska, RN, PhD
  1. Editors, Evidence-Based Nursing

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Evidence-based practice in the nursing profession is gaining wider popularity as shown by the increasing number of nursing conferences with an evidence-based theme, journals that feature “evidence-based, best practices in healthcare”, professional nursing organisations that are developing or promoting clinical practice guidelines, and subscription to this journal by over 8000 nurses from around the world. As we begin our fifth year of production of Evidence-Based Nursing (EBN), it is useful to look back at developments that have occurred over the past 4 years. In this editorial, we will describe the involvement of our many colleagues in the production of this journal, identify the journals from which we abstract the most studies, highlight the purposes of our editorials, and update our readers about our website.

Involvement of nursing colleagues and others in EBN

The production of this journal relies on many nursing colleagues from around the world. Once studies have been screened for methodological quality, the studies of most relevance to nursing practice are identified. Although the 3 editors are able to identify many of these, we rely heavily on colleagues to review qualitative studies and studies in areas of nursing in which we do not have expertise. We enjoy the commitment and assistance of a panel of judges who review all the qualitative studies both for methodological quality and for nursing relevance. Additionally, colleagues in clinical areas such as critical care, neonatology, surgery, and advanced practice nursing review select studies for quality and relevance.

Once an abstract is written, an associate editor reviews the abstract for accuracy and identifies a nurse with expertise in the topic area to write a brief commentary about the study, highlighting its strengths, limitations and clinical applicability. When the commentary is completed, the associate editor, through exchanges with the commentator, fine tunes the abstract and commentary. Our team of associate editors has grown …

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