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A school based intervention to reduce television use decreased adiposity in children in grades 3 and 4

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QUESTION: Can a school based intervention aimed at reducing television and videotape viewing and use of video games decrease adiposity in children in grades 3 and 4 (approximate age 9 y)?


7 month, randomised (allocation concealed*), blinded (outcome assessors and statisticians*), controlled trial.


2 public elementary schools in a single school district in San Jose, California, USA.


198 of 227 eligible children in grades 3 and 4 had parental consent to participate. 192 children (97%) (mean age 9 y) completed both the baseline and post-intervention assessments.


The 2 schools were matched on sociodemographic and scholastic variables. One school (106 eligible children) was allocated to implement an intervention to reduce television …

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  • Sources of funding: American Heart Association, California Affiliate; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

  • For correspondence: Dr T N Robinson, Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention, Stanford University School of Medicine, 1000 Welch Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

  • * Information provided by author.