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Women’s health and midwifery
Midwives experiences are an important factor in identifying and supporting victims of sex trafficking
  1. Clare Gordon,
  2. Kirsty Barclay
  1. College of Nursing, Midwifery & Healthcare, University of West London - Berkshire Hub, Reading, UK
  1. Correspondence to Clare Gordon, College of Nursing, Midwifery & Healthcare, University of West London - Berkshire Hub, Reading RG1 7QF, Reading, UK; clare.gordon{at}

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Commentary on: Ruiz-Gonzales, C, Roman, P, Benayas-Perez, N et al (2022) Midwives’ experiences and perceptions in treating victims of sex trafficking: A qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing doi/org/10/1111/jan15165

Implications for practice and research

  • Specific training for all healthcare professionals to be able to identify, refer and support victims of human trafficking.

  • Future research considering the experiences of the wider healthcare professional community.


Human trafficking is a major global public health issue. It is an international crime and violation of human rights. It is the forced exploitation of others for sexual or labour purposes and is often referred to as modern slavery. People are trafficked across international borders however it is difficult to gain accurate figures because much of what happens goes underground. It is likely that healthcare providers including midwives are likely to encounter trafficked women and girls while they are still captive. …

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  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.