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Nursing issues
Healthcare professionals who provide palliative care require support to reduce symptoms of burnout
  1. Brian Nyatanga
  1. CPD, University of Worcester, Worcester, Worcestershire, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Brian Nyatanga, CPD, University of Worcester, Worcester, Worcestershire, UK; b.nyatanga{at}

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Commentary on: Dijxhoorn, A-F. Q., Brom, L., van der Lindern, Y., et al. Prevalence of burnout in healthcare professionals providing palliative care and the effect of interventions to reduce symptoms: A systematic literature review. Palliative Medicine 2020, 1–21

Implications for practice and research

  • A range of interventions may help reduce symptoms of burnout in healthcare professionals who provide palliative care.

  • Future research is required to further explore the nature and impact of burnout among generalists and specialist palliative care professionals.


Burnout is experienced more among healthcare professionals (HCPs) than the general population.1 Burnout is a complex process that develops over time and not only affects personal well-being of HCPs, but is often associated with human errors and poor patient care. This study2 explored the relationship between providing palliative …

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  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.