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Commentary on: Stephens S, Shams S, Lee J, et al. Benefits of physical activity for depression and fatigue in multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal analysis. J Pediatr 2019;209:226–32.
Implications for practice and research
Young people with paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis (POMS) experience increased depression and fatigue across illness duration; healthcare professionals should be cognisant of the need to address these symptoms to ensure improved well-being and trajectory of these psychosocial aspects over time.
Additional longitudinal research among young people with MS is required to address symptomology and improve well-being among this grouping; and also to inform trends, potential interventions and treatment for the adult population.
Paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis presents in childhood or adolescence with fatigue and depression common among those living with POMS.1 Fatigue and depression are often comorbid conditions that have been consistently …
Competing interests None declared.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.