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Perspectives on current child health issues
  1. Alison Twycross1,
  2. Joanna Smith2
  1. 1Department for Children's Nursing, London South Bank University and Editor of Evidence-Based Nursing, London, UK
  2. 2School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK and Associate Editor of Evidence-Based Nursing, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to : Professor Alison Twycross
    , Department for Children's Nursing, London South Bank University and Editor of Evidence-Based Nursing, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, UK; a.twycross{at} @alitwy

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EBN perspectives brings together key issues from the commentaries in one of our nursing topic themes.

This is the first article in our new Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) Perspectives series, which aims to bring together commentaries from the past 2 years from a specific nursing theme, which for this edition is child health. Thirty-six commentaries were published on child health-related issues during this timeframe with a wide range of studies, both in term of topics and research designs reviewed. This article highlights the key messages that have emerged from these commentaries and discusses the implications for practice and future research.

Key themes

Box 1 summarises the 36 commentaries published which have been broadly grouped into key themes; health promotion and public heath, family support and child development, nursing issues, understanding disease and treatments and child and adolescent mental health.

Box 1

EvidenceBased Nursing child health commentaries (October 2014–September 2016)

Theme 1: Health promotion and public health

1. Nurse home visits for infants and toddlers of low-income families improve behavioural, language and attention outcomes at age 6–9 years; paraprofessional visits improve visual attention and task switching.

2. General practice web-based decision aid improves measles–mumps–rubella vaccination uptake.

3. Handwashing and nail clipping reduce risk of intestinal parasite infection in school-age children.

4. Primary school education programmes can decrease child salt intake.


5. Being overweight in infancy predicts overweight in childhood regardless of infant feeding method

6. Parent–adolescent conversations that focus on weight are more likely to be associated with unhealthy weight-control behaviours in adolescents than conversations that focus on healthy eating.

7. Child health nurses miss opportunities to tackle obesity.

8. A bottle-weaning counselling intervention for parents of 12-month-old infants reduces bottle use at age 24 months but has no effect on child weight.

9. Low parent health literacy is associated with ‘obesogenic’ infant care behaviours. …

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  • Twitter Follow Alison Twycross at @alitwy and Joanna Smith at @josmith175

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.