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Randomised controlled trial
Motivational interviewing improves patients' mood and reduces mortality 12 months poststroke
  1. David R Thompson
  1. Cardiovascular Research Centre, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  1. Correspondence to David R Thompson
    Cardiovascular Research Centre, Australian Catholic University, VECCI Building Level 4, 486 Albert Street, Melbourne, VIC 3002, Australia; david.thompson{at}

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Commentary on: OpenUrlAbstract/FREE Full Text

Implications for nursing practice and research

  • The study findings that motivational interviewing improves mood and reduces mortality a year after acute stroke should inform clinical practice guidelines.

  • More trial data are needed to examine factors such as whether frequency of motivational interviewing sessions is more important than time frame, whether there are differences in therapist effects and whether there are differences using a training and supervision manual when applying motivational interviewing.

  • More research is needed to explore the mechanisms by which motivational interviewing is effective and how it …

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  • Competing interests None.