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Implications for nursing practice and research
▪ Physical activity (PA), exercise performance and counselling require demonstration, supervision and support similar to other self-management behaviour for day-to-day chronic illness management.
▪ Structured individual PA counselling should acknowledge the benefit and importance of occupational, home, leisure time and commuting PA.
▪ Healthcare providers and settings should consider partnering with fitness centres/exercise facilities for structured, supervised exercise interventions for chronic illness prevention and management.
▪ Further research is needed to develop and utilise more objective measures of PA than self-report accounts. Programmable pedometers or accelerometers for non-supervised PA, in combination with supervised PA training, may be options for further research to more accurately account for total PA.
▪ Electronic PA metres should be studied for non-supervised PA in combination with structured individual exercise counselling to determine feasibility and efficacy.
Diabetes and its related complications continue to be a global health concern. More than 285 million individuals worldwide have diabetes; a number that is growing due to …
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