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Randomised controlled trial
Neonatal Parent Baby Interaction Programme does not affect mental or psychomotor development of preterm infants at corrected age 2 years
  1. Mary Margaret Gottesman
  1. Mary Margaret Gottesman
    The Ohio State University, College of Nursing, 1585 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210, USA; Gottesman.6{at}

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Commentary on: OpenUrlCrossRefPubMedWeb of Science

The preterm infant birth rate continues to rise in the USA, particularly the late preterm infant birth rate.1 Improvements in developmental and behavioural outcomes for preterm infants have not kept pace with improvements in survival rates.2 Even late preterm infants have multiple developmental morbidities.3 Research has demonstrated the negative impact of preterm birth on the quality of parenting that preterm infants receive and on later physical and mental disability in infants.4

Intervention studies providing education and support to enhance the quality of parenting that preterm infants receive have demonstrated at least some shortterm improvements in developmental outcomes after discharge.5 Early interventions within the intensive care environment have been less numerous, particularly parent-focused, educational interventions.6 Prevention efforts …

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