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A behavioural weight-loss programme reduced urinary incontinence more than an education programme in overweight and obese women

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In overweight and obese women, does a behavioural weight-loss programme reduce incontinence more than an education programme?



randomised controlled trial (Program to Reduce Incontinence by Diet and Exercise [PRIDE]). NCT00091988.




blinded (outcome assessors).

Follow-up period:

6 months.


Providence, Rhode Island and Birmingham, Alabama, USA.


338 women ⩾30 years of age (mean age 53 y) who had a body mass index of 25–50 and ⩾10 episodes of urinary incontinence over 1 week, monitored food intake and physical activity for 1 week, could walk unassisted for 2 blocks without stopping, and agreed to not begin new treatments for incontinence or weight reduction during the study. Exclusion criteria included use of medications for incontinence or weight loss in the past month, current urinary tract infection or ⩾4 in the past year, neurological or functional incontinence, …

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  • Sources of funding National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; Office of Research on Women's Health; Unilever.