TableĀ 1

Data extract containing units of data and line-by-line coding

Data extract (carer) units of data (in vivo codes highlighted)Early descriptive codes/line-by-line coding
He (the doctor) said there was nothing more he could do for her. I said to him, can't you give her dialysis? And he said, no because it would kill her. I suppose it's too late in the day. I don't know. That's the reason he gave me, it would kill her.
So I don't really know, but I thought well, why wait till there's only 20% function left before you tell me in the first place. So shouldn't he have told me when she could have had dialysis? Shouldn't someone then have said to me, well look, she can have dialysis before it got to the stage where she suddenly has 20% of function and she can't have it. Couldn't someone have mentioned it earlier? You know what I'm trying to say?
Nothing more they could do Wanting dialysis
Treatment would kill
Too late to treat
Treatment would kill
Not being told early about prognosis/reduced kidney function
Not being involved in treatment decision/confusion*
Missed treatment opportunity?
  • *This early description can be tracked through the following tables, essential in demonstrating transparency.