Information provision v control for patients with stroke or their carers*
Outcomes at study endNumber of trials (n)Weighted event ratesRRR/RRI (95% CI)NNT/NNH (CI)
Patient anxiety6 (681)17% v 18%RRR 7% (−23 to 30)Not significant
Patient depression8 (956)17% v 18%RRR 6% (−18 to 26)Not significant
Patient mortality8 (1350)7.3% v 9.3%RRR 16% (−18 to 40)Not significant
Carer stress4 (498)21% v 20%RRI 6% (−18 to 37)Not significant
  • *Abbreviations defined in glossary. RRR, RRI, NNT, NNH, and CI calculated from data in article using a fixed-effects model.