Computer generated targeted (TR) and tailored (TL) interventions showing significantly improved patient health behaviours*

Delivery devicesInterventionsType/ModelImproved outcomes
*HBM = health belief model; SC = stages of change; SCT = social cognitive theory; TPB = theory of planned behaviour.
Computer systemWeekly modem transmission of glucometre resultsTRReduced blood glucose concentrations
Computer aided instructionTLIncreased dietetic knowledge
Automated telephoneWeekly telephone transmission of glucometre resultsTRReduced blood glucose concentrations
Automated telephone reminderTR/HBMHigher immunisation rates
PrintLetter and postcard remindersTR/HBMHigher immunisation rates
Nutrition information packetTL/HBM, SCReduced total fat and saturated fat intakes
LetterTL/HBM, SCHigher quit rates among moderate to light smokers
Nutrition informationTL/SCT, TPBReduced fat intake
Enhanced health risk assessmentTL/HBM, SCReduced cholesterol, fat intake; increased activity
Information on outcomes of quitting and self efficacyTL/SCMore 24 hour quit attempts
Motivational reportsTR/HBM, SCIncreased physical activity
BulletinsTL/SCIncreased fruit/vegetable intake