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Systematic review
One-on-one education and client reminders increase uptake of colorectal, breast and cervical cancer screening
  1. Kathleen Griffith
  1. University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Nursing, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  1. Correspondence to: Kathleen Griffith, PhD, CRNP
    University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Nursing Department of Organizational Systems and Adult Health, 655 W. Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA; Griffith{at}

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Implications for practice and research

  • Client reminders and one-on-one education are effective community-based interventions for improving screening rates for colorectal cancer (CRC), breast and cervical cancers.

  • Group education is now shown to be an effective approach for improving breast cancer screening rates.

  • Needs particular to the target population should be considered in conjunction with published recommendations when choosing interventions to improve screening rates.

  • Studies which address interventions for increasing CRC screening other than with faecal occult blood test are needed.

  • An important area to address in future research is the effectiveness of electronic communications in improving screening rates.


Although screening rates have improved overall …

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  • Competing interests None.