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Web based care management improved glucose control in patients with poorly controlled diabetes

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Q Does web based care management improve glucose and blood pressure control, compared with usual care, in patients with poorly controlled diabetes?


Embedded ImageDesign:

randomised controlled trial.

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Embedded ImageBlinding:


Embedded ImageFollow up period:

3, 6, 9, and 12 months.

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Department of Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Embedded ImagePatients:

104 English speaking patients >18 years of age (mean age 63 y, 99% men) who had poorly controlled diabetes (HbA1c concentration ⩾9.0%), were willing to use a computer and glucose and blood pressure monitoring devices, had access to a telephone, and had a primary care provider associated with the hospital. 49% of patients were using insulin. 71% had not previously used the internet.

Embedded ImageIntervention:

all patients attended a half day educational session on diabetes self management. 52 patients were allocated to …

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  • * Information provided by author.

  • * Calculated from data in article.

  • For correspondence: Dr P R Conlin, Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System, Boston, MA, USA. paul.conlin{at}

  • Sources of funding: Department of the Army Cooperative Agreement, Department of Veterans Affairs, Health Services Research and Development Program, and National Institutes of Health.