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Timing and route of enteral tube feeding did not affect death or combined death or poor outcome in stroke and dysphagia

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Q In patients with recent stroke and dysphagia, does early initiation of enteral tube feeding (ETF) (v no tube feeding for ⩾7 d) improve outcomes (study 1)? In these patients, does ETF by percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) (v nasogastric [NG] tube) improve outcomes (study 2)?


Embedded ImageDesign:

2 randomised controlled trials with similar designs (FOOD [Feed Or Ordinary Diet] trials).

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Embedded ImageBlinding:

blinded {data collectors and outcome assessors}.*

Embedded ImageFollow up period:

6 months.

Embedded ImageSetting:

83 hospitals in 15 countries (study 1) and 47 hospitals in 11 countries (study 2).

Embedded ImagePatients:

patients who were admitted to hospital with recent stroke (⩽7 d before admission) and had dysphagia were enrolled in study 1 (n = 859, mean age 76 y, 46% men) if the …

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  • * Information provided by author.

  • A modified version of this abstract appears in ACP Journal Club.

  • For correspondence: Professor M Dennis, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK.

  • Sources of funding: National Health Service Research and Development, UK; Stroke Association; Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Executive; Chest, Heart, and Stroke, Scotland; Singapore Medical Research Council; and Royal Australasian College of Physicians.