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Contribution of the Cochrane Library to the evidence-based journals
  1. Cindy Walker-Dilks, MLS,
  2. for the Evidence-Based Journals Group
  1. Health Information Research Unit
    McMaster University
    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Systematic reviews, particularly those published in the Cochrane Library, now form a substantial part of the content of ACP Journal Club, Evidence-Based Medicine, Evidence-Based Nursing, and Evidence-Based Mental Health. This contribution has grown steadily since the first publication of the Cochrane Library. What makes the systematic reviews published in the Cochrane Library so amenable to the evidence-based journals?


Up to the end of 2002, 4 evidence-based abstract journals were produced by the Health Information Research Unit (HIRU) at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The first was ACP J Club, begun in 1991. Published bimonthly by the American College of Physicians (ACP), each issue contains 25 research abstracts with clinical commentaries on internal medicine topics. Evidence-Based Medicine, published bimonthly by the BMJ Publishing Group starting in …

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  • Presented at the 3rd Canadian Cochrane Symposium, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 22 November 2003.

  • This article was previously published in OpenUrlFREE Full Text and OpenUrlPubMed