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Have you seen the Evidence-Based Nursing blog? Evidence-Based Nursing blogs: highlighting contemporary issues in nursing
  1. Alison Twycross1,
  2. Joanna Smith2
  1. 1Department for Children's Nursing, London South Bank University and Editor of Evidence-Based Nursing, London, UK
  2. 2Children's Nursing, University of Leeds, and Associate Editor for Evidence-Based Nursing, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to: Professor Alison Twycross
    , Department for Children's Nursing, London South Bank University and Editor of Evidence-Based Nursing, London SE1 0AA, UK; a.twycross{at}

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The survey undertaken here at EBN last year suggested that our online and print readerships were different. Many of our readers who subscribe to the print edition of the journal do not access our online content. One of our most successful online features, not available in the print edition, is our weekly blogs. The blogs are written by a wide range of professionals with diverse interests. Bloggers comment on their concerns and challenges of delivering health in an increasingly complex world; they all have a passion for nursing and health. In this special edition, we are featuring some of our blog content within the journal to provide print subscribers with a flavour of the content. To access our blogs visit: The blogs are normally posted once a week and provide another perspective on how evidence can be applied in practice.

Some of the blog content is included below.

Nursing handovers: important complex interactions with limited guidance 26 September 2016

Roberta Heale, Associate Editor EBN; @robertaheale @EBNursingBMJ

I don't know about you, but when I was in nursing school I was never taught anything about the ‘nursing handover’, or report given to the oncoming nurse. We learnt what to do from our nursing preceptors and from the other nurses when we started practising. The content provided about patients during handovers was completely dependent on the individual nurse reporting. Detail was most commonly provided for specific incidents, like a patient fall, but with the complexity of care for up to 12 patients, there was very little time to discuss important information, such as the medications prescribed to the patient(s). Like many other things in nursing, it has just been accepted as ‘how things are done’.

I recently became interested in the process when I hosted a podcast with Dr Bernice Redley who discussed a research article that explored medication communication during nursing handovers.

Article: Braaf S, Rixon S, …

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  • Twitter Follow Alison Twycross @alitwy and Joanna Smith @josmith175

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.