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Cross sectional study
Survey of people with type 2 diabetes shows the majority prefer diabetes education to be given during regular diabetes check-ups; other education preferences and opinions on self-care vary depending on patient characteristics
  1. Warren Gillibrand
  1. Department of Nursing & Health Studies, University of Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK
  1. Correspondence to Warren Gillibrand
    Department of Nursing & Health Studies, School of Human and Health Sciences, Harold Wilson Building, Room HW3/28, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfeild HD1 3DH, UK; w.p.gillibrand{at}

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Commentary on: OpenUrlCrossRefPubMedWeb of Science

Type 2 diabetes is classified globally as a pandemic affecting all populations, to such an extent, that nearly every human being will have some kind of reference to it. This paper contributes to a widening knowledge base, in a very important aspect of diabetes, related to patient education and its concomitant impact on the ability by a person with diabetes to self-manage their condition. It has been explored, investigated and recognised that high standard, individually tailored, psychosocially orientated patient education will have beneficial, clinical and cost-effective results on disease and quality of life (QoL) outcomes.1 Patient preferences as to type and mode of delivery of education have not been explored to any great depth in diabetes and indeed in other conditions. There …

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