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Cross sectional study
In surveyed Australian medical-surgical units about a third of nurses on perceive emotional abuse in recent shifts and a fifth report actual violence; perception of violence in the workplace is associated with unstable or negative working conditions and adverse patient outcomes
  1. Joy Lyneham
  1. Monash University, Victoria, Australia
  1. Correspondence to Joy Lyneham
    Monash University, PO Box 527 Frankston, Victoria 3199, Australia; joy.lyneham{at}

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Commentary on: OpenUrlCrossRefPubMedWeb of Science

The violent world of nursing

It is disappointing to read that violence remains prevalent in the nursing workplace after a decade of research in this area. The research conducted by Roche and colleagues has acknowledged that workplace violence occurs in medical-surgical areas of nursing, in other words, no nurse is immune. The authors correctly noted that the majority of research in this area has occurred in clinical areas where violence may be expected, such as the emergency department,1 this research extends the issue to general wards where the majority of nurses' work is done. The ability of experienced nurses to pre-empt and manage violence is not unexpected. Nonetheless, it does highlight the need to better prepare graduates and …

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