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A school nutrition education programme improved fruit, juice, and vegetable intake, related psychosocial behaviour, and knowledge

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QUESTION: Does a school nutrition education programme based on social cognitive theory improve the fruit, juice, and vegetable intake and related psychosocial behaviour in fourth and fifth grade children?


Randomised {allocation concealed}*, unblinded controlled trial.


4 schools from a major metropolitan area and 12 from a suburban area in southeastern USA.


Children in participating schools who were in grade 3 {age range 8–11 y}* in the winter of 1994 and those who joined them in grades 4 and 5.


16 elementary schools were matched in pairs by district area, student population, number of students using a free or reduced price lunch programme, and annual student turnover; then within pairs, the schools were randomised to receive the intervention or control. Schools that received the intervention were given a grade appropriate education programme, “Gimme 5”, which was developed using social …

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  • Source of funding: National Cancer Institute.

  • For correspondence: Dr T Baranowski, Children's Nutrition Research Center, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, 1100 Bates Street, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Fax +1 713 798 7098.

  • * Information provided by author.